My Seller Pal now supports the new standard automated review request from Amazon. With this feature, you are actually not the one sending the message or the review request but Amazon. However, for these emails to be sent you need to manually trigger it on your Amazon Seller Central > Manage Orders page for each order which is time-consuming.
We have automated this process for you so you need not press the "Request a Review" button for each of your orders. It only takes less than 5 minutes to craft a review request that is 100% compliant with Amazon's TOS.
1. From your My Seller Pal dashboard, go to "Buyer Automation" and click on "Automated Review Requests".
2. Click on "New Automated Review Request".
3. Select the applicable marketplace from the dropdown options.
Note: You will need to create one review request per marketplace if you sell in multiple Amazon marketplaces.
4. Input your internal title. This is not public-facing and will only be visible to you. Use a title that makes sense to you.
5. Click "Create Automated Review Request"
6. Automated review request is created. Customize the trigger to what makes sense to you. Click on "Edit Automated Review Request".
7. You can edit the Internal Title here. But if you're good with it, proceed with adding the ASINs or adding the word "all" for all ASINs.
8. Change the Message Status to "Active" if you'd like to start the automation immediately. Otherwise, you can keep it as Inactive but be sure to update the status once you are ready to request reviews.
Message Status:
Active - Sends to buyers
Inactive - Not sending
Test (Sends to you) - You receive the review requests and not customers. For testing purposes only. But note that you can only trigger a review request once. So regardless whether it was on test, Amazon will no longer allow you to send another request to the same customer.
9. Select the trigger. Take note that Amazon only allows you to send review requests 7 to 30 days after order is delivered.
10. Select the # of days when you trigger the automated review requests.
11. Click on "Update Review Request".
You're all set. Sit back and relax and we'll do the rest of the work for you!
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