My Seller Pal now offers a beta program to help with donating Amazon inventory. We offer two solutions:
- We provide detailed reports that show actual items disposed of through Amazon, that were donated to charity. This charity disposal method is now Amazon’s default method and you may have donated items without knowing it or donated items by doing disposals through Amazon. Our reports include 3, 6, and 12-month sales in addition to what Amazon provides. This information can be exported and sent to your accountant for tax advice. My Seller Pal and Admired Media do not provide tax advice.
- We have a partner to take inventory donations outside of Amazon. We have put together a workflow for seeing if you can donate with our Charity partner that will provide receipts and find the right Charity to donate your items to. Contact your tax advisor to quantify the tax implications. This will also help you give back to the world as part of your journey.
How to Use My Seller Pal's Liquidation Tool for FBA Inventory
1. To access My Seller Pal's liquidation tool, go to Liquidation and click on FBA Donations.
2. On the [Beta] FBA Removal Donations Page, you will have the option to drag column headers to group the columns depending on your preferred view.
3. In this tool, we will help you determine the donated products' fair market value which is necessary for you and your accountant in claiming tax deductions.
We calculate sales based on when the donation or removal order was shipped. This is labeled as "Calculated Sales End Date".
4. The following is how average sales price is calculated:
Average Sale Price = (Total Revenue - Discounts)/ Units
Each period shows when we do the calculations from. There is 3, 6, and 12 months period.
5. You can export the report to an xlsx file by clicking the export button on the upper right portion of the page.
6. Understanding the exported file data.
How to Use My Seller Pal's Liquidation Tool for Off-Amazon Donations
For donations not stored on Amazon, we have a partner that can accept donations. We will hand off your donations information to them, and they will be the one to handle all of the off-Amazon work, outside our tool.
If you need help with your off-Amazon donations, simply create a ticket or send an email to and we will help you get started with your donations.
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